Introduction to the Lisboa Viva Card

Lisboa Viva is an individual and non-transferable card with wireless technology, which enables you to credit on up to four different products, and may be credited using transport tickets from different operators in the metropolitan area of Lisbon.

Lisboa Viva card modalities

Normal | Customers who do not fit into the other modalities.

Children | Children between the ages of four and 12 (inclusive).

Students * | At Scotturb, this is valid for students between the ages of four and 12 (inclusive) who use a school bus provided by the municipality of Sintra.

Seniors | 65 or older.

Retired people and pensioners | Retired people or pensioners whose family household’s monthly income is equal to the minimum national wage or lower.

4_18 | Children and students between the ages of four and 18 (inclusive) who are not enrolled in higher education, do not use a school bus provided by the municipalities, and either have social benefits provided by the school or whose family household’s monthly income is equal to or lower than 1.2 x social support indexation.

sub23 | Students up to the age of 23 (inclusive) who are enrolled in higher education and either have social benefits provided by the institution of education or whose family household’s monthly income is equal to or lower than 1.2 x social support indexation.

Social + ** | Household elements whose monthly income is equal to or lower than 1.2 x social support indexation.

* This profile is only valid at the operator that has issued the card and may not be used at other operators.

** This profile may only be purchased at Carris, Metropolitano de Lisboa, CP, or Transtejo.

Necessary documentation for purchasing the Lisboa Viva card

Please see here for the application form and terms and conditions of the Lisboa Viva card.

General documentation

1 | Proper application form duly filled-in.

2 | Identity card, citizen card, driver’s licence, passport, or a residence permit.

3 | Original recent passport-size colour picture, with a solid white background, uncovered head, and no dark glasses (unless it is a duly justified specific case).

Specific documentation

Retired people and pensioners

1 | The original and copy of the pension or retirement card.

2 | The original and copy of the tax identification card.

3 | A proper form from the local city centre containing the household.

4 | The original and copy of a document proving the fund quantity for retirement or pension, either issued by Caixa Geral de Aposentações (Civil Servants’ Pension Fund) or Centro Nacional de Pensões (National Pension Fund).

5 | The original and copy of the tax return or a document issued by the tax office with the household’s income.


1 | Proof of 4_18 enrolment statement on a proper form, which is signed and bears the seal of the establishment of education expressly stating that the student does not use the school bus provided by the municipalities, and proving whether the student has social benefits provided by the school, and, if so, the concerned level.

2 | In the case of students benefiting from Social +, an access form with the original and copies of the civil and tax identification cards, last IRS tax return, and IRS tax calculation.

At the beginning of every school year you are required to provide a new statement from the establishment of education and a new access application to Social +.


1 | Proof of sub23 enrolment statement on a proper form, which is signed and bears the seal of the establishment of education, and proves whether the student has direct higher education social benefits.

2 | In the case of students benefiting from Social +, an access form with the original and copies of the civil and tax identification cards, last IRS tax return, and IRS tax calculation.

At the beginning of every school year you are required to provide a new statement from the establishment of education and a new access application to Social +.

Expiration dates for the Lisboa Viva card

Modality Expiry
Children – between the ages of 4 and 12 4 years
Normal – between the ages of 13 and 30 4 years
Normal – over 30 6,5 years
Seniors – 65 or over 6,5 years
Retired people and pensioners 5 years
4_18 4 years
sub23 4 years
Social + 6,5 years

The card must be renewed before the expiration date and its holder must request a new card in advance taking into consideration the time for it to be issued.

Cost of a new Lisboa Viva card at Scotturb

Normal issue | 10 workdays
Normal | € 7,00
4_18/sub23 | € 3,50

Urgent issue | 5 workdays
Normal | € 12,00
4_18/sub23 | € 8,50

Scotturb points of sale for the Lisboa Viva card

1 | Points of sale
2 | Authorised agents (except for urgent cards and 4_18/sub23)

Warranty periods for the Lisboa Viva card

The Lisboa Viva card has a two-year warranty period after its issue.

1 | If during this period of time the card stops working due to a malfunction, that is, there are no visible damages, it may be replaced with no extra costs for its owner.

2 | After this period of time, or if there are visible damages, its owner must pay for a new card.

Scotturb-related products, which may be credited on the Lisboa Viva card

1 | Individual passes (line, network, and BusCas subscriptions)

2 | Combo passes (Scotturb/CP and Scotturb/Carris/Subway)

3 | Intermodal passes (L123)

Where to credit Scotturb-related products

Individual passes | ATM, points of sale, and authorised agents.

Scotturb/CP Combo | ATM, Scotturb or CP points of sale and authorised agents.

Scotturb/Carris/Subway Combo | ATM, points of sale, and Alcabideche authorised agent.

Intermodal passes | ATM and points of sale for operators in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon except Scotturb.

Customers must have their proof of credit with the card in the case of a malfunction.

Products that require a route sticker

1 | Line subscriptions

2 | 4_18/sub23 network subscription

3 | Scotturb/Carris/Subway combo

Places where you can purchase a route sticker

1 | Points of sale (5 workdays)

2 | Authorised agents (10 workdays)

Lisboa Viva card validation process

1 | Bring the Lisboa Viva card to about two inches from the blue light on any validating device on a bus.

2 | The validating device will beep and the result of validation will appear on the screen.

3 | If the card is valid and has credits, the validating device will beep and a correct validation signal will appear on the screen.

4 | If the card is not valid or has no credit, the validating device will beep twice and a detected irregularity signal will appear on the screen.

Pursuant to law 28/2013, from July 4th, customers who do not correctly validate the Lisboa Viva card shall be punished with a fine up to 150 times the lowest price value for tickets sold on the bus.

Exchanging, cancelling, and returning the Lisboa Viva card

1 | Before the pass is effective (before the first of each month)

You may exchange, cancel, or return your card.

You may exchange your card for any other pass of equal, higher, or lower value.

2 | After the pass is effective (after the first of each month)

We do not accept returns.

You may exchange your card up to the 7th of each month.

You may exchange your card for a pass of the same type and equal or higher value (no exchanges are allowed for a different pass than that initially purchased or of lower value).

Card can only be exchanged or cancelled by the operator where the initial purchase was made.

Passes credited at an ATM may be exchanged at any operator associated with the pass.

At Scotturb, any card exchange or cancellation may only be carried out at the customer support office.

Lisboa Viva card after-sales assistance

If the Lisboa Viva card has been properly credited and stops working, customers may go to Scotturb’s customer support office with the card and proof of credit.

Card replacement

Within the warranty period and no visible damages | The card is replaced with no extra costs.

After the warranty period has expired or with visible damages | There will be charges for replacement.

Replacement of fare media

Credited on an ATM | Replacement may be made at one of the operators on the fare medium.

Credited at Scotturb | Replacement is made at the customer support office where customers will receive a new card credited with the replacement product.

Credited at another operator | Customers should go to that operator.

Loss or theft of the Lisboa Viva card

The operator that issued the Lisboa Viva card should be informed of its loss or theft as soon as possible so that it may be cancelled, hence preventing its misuse by third parties.

Individual fare media | customers should go to the customer support office learning in advance the necessary documentation for crediting the replacement product.

Combo and intermodal fare media | Credit is not possible.